
    • Began oral care by wiping your infant’s gums with a gentle cloth or infant dental wipe.
    • Start brushing once the first tooth appears using a non-fluoridated toothpaste.
    • Do not allow a bottle to bed containing any liquid other than water
    • Do not allow your child to sip on liquids containing sugar (including milk and juice drinks). Limit these sugar drinks to meal times. Offer water when your child is thirsty between meal times.
    • Do not allow your child to walk with a training cup in their mouth to reduce risk of injury during a fall.



Avoid using sweet foods and drinks to reward your child+.
If your child eats sweets, make sure it is with a meal. (Saliva increases during meals and helps rinse food particles from the mouth.)
Proper brushing and flossing techniques should be administrated and established by the parent. (Children typically need assistance with brushing and flossing up to age 10)